SLAP presents an evening of solo performance from critically acclaimed regional and national artists, incorporating dance, theatre, live art and multidisciplinary performance. Expect to smile frequently, be moved by moments of intimacy and experience something new. The evening will showcase an array of works by 6 different artists celebrating comedy, dance, the autobiographical and everything in between .
Homage to SLAP-ping By Maggie Elliot
SLAPsolo happened, and it was epic in its elegance, aesthetics and contents.
It was a new experience, a variety show of experimental theatre comedy and dance work. All separate even though all together simultaneously. It was fairy lights and wine. It was edgy and comfortable. It was a fest for low budget artistic philosophies, celebrating solo performers and their solo performances.
Each piece was different and unique in its nature & outcome, becoming one ensemble of solo pieces on the night as they were all existing there and then, using not much more than a body, a (beautiful) space and a bit of time that a ‘caring hip familiar participating friendly funky relaxed interested’ audience agreed to dedicate to the night.
SLAP makes events that WORK and I can really say that, having been part of one.
It’s also work that is worth watching , it was RIGHT, as it felt to me it was answering to the question: how to make something big and of great artistic value out of a small scale production?
Watching other performances made me feel like I had time to digest information in between each act; being audience made me feel exposed as I was able to interact with the performative action, but still breathing a very homely atmosphere.
On the 12th of November 2014, performing SOLO became a shared experience; I was alone without feeling lonely.
Thank You SLAP-pers.
Current, Alternative and Radical….One of the most well organised events I’ve had the pleasure of being involved in, completely breezy as Goliath’s flatulence, maybe a little to breezy for a drama queen such as myself. Very responsive jam packed audience, it was fantastic performing to an audience that its pie graph percentage wasn’t majored other dancers (non dancer heavy).I encourage the future of Slap and look forward to being involved hopefully again, giving artists a platform to present work GENUINELY pushing the bounds. -
Joshua Hubbard